(Thursday, 22 Feb 04, 11:00pm)

NAME:  Samantha Ruth

LOCATION:  Home, finally!

VITAL STATS:  Girl, delivered Caesarean on Saturday, 21 Feb 04 at 5:36am, 20 3/4", 7 lb 1.6 oz. at Toledo Hospital by Dr. Kim Confer-Seeley.

BABY:  White count down, blood test for infection NEGATIVE, so infection is localized, probably in the lungs.  After five (5) days of I.V. antibiotics (ampicillin and gentamicin), she got shots in the leg muscles this evening, again Friday AM and PM and that's it!

VISITORS:  Since she's just out of N.I.C.U. from getting over an infection, visitors are NOT ALLOWED for four (4) weeks (sorry!).  Anyone with a cold, sniffles, sinus infection, etc. not allowed after that, until you're better, due to danger of RSV -- Rhino "something" virus -- which is currently rather prevalent, until cold season is over (call the N.I.C.U. if you're interested.).  May change after we see Dr. Mallory next week, but don't hold your breath.  We're told RSV can crash a newborn in four hours -- the N.I.C.U. folks don't like repeat customers...

MOM:  Sandy is taking it easy, after nine months work; will probably make ME do a lot for the NEXT nine months!  Milk production a little slow to get started, but seems enough for now.

DOGS:  Have given her a good sniffing over.

MISC:  Look carefully at her eyes in these pictures.  She seems to really look at things...the nurses did comment that she seemed very alert.


Eight Months Nine Months

Gee, I'm SO glad I wasn't born female...

Inside Scoop

Regular Ultrasound at four months 3-Dimensional Ultrasound at eight months


Newly Born

You can't see it, but at this point Sam's head is pointy at the back.  She's just been wiped off, suctioned, etc.  The docs are putting Sandy's insides back, at this moment...

Right After

Since Sam was delivered Caesarean, I can now say with absolute certainty that my wife has guts --  I've seen them, personally!


Look!  Match Oxygen Tubes...isn't that cute!

Sandy seemed to get an infection after her water broke, so she's on I.V. antibiotics.  So is Sam.

Feeding time.

This is Room 2, Bed 9 of the Newborn Intensive Care Unit.  Between the wires and the I.V., it's a bit of a pain to handle her.


If you don't behave at the Hospital (like pulling out your I.V.), they give you a HEAD SPIKE!

Diaper Time...

This is a temperature controlled unit, called an Isolette.  The Toledo Childrens' Hospital can handle 60-70 little ones.

Head Spike.

Doesn't make me happy, but it's not as bad as it looks.  As I found out later, the I.V. is a flexible composite, not a hard metal needle.

In the N.I.C.U. (Newborn Intensive Care Unit)...

"What is she DOING to me!?!?"

Ain't easy changing diapers though the hand least she is on room air at this point.  Of course, the expression is priceless.

Finally, in the open air!

Since I'm taking the pictures, it might SEEM Sandy is doing all the work, BUT we alternated doing the diapers -- and *I* got the double solid squirt, just as I was applying the new diaper!  That's solid as in S-O-L-I-D.


Heat, pump, ice...cabbage.

We were told cabbage can reduce inflammation (may help arthritis, too -- Sandy's Mom is testing this now.  UPDATE:  After 2 nights, she says it helps her knee; she's gonna try it on the other one).

Also makes great cole slaw!


She pulled out the I.V. AGAIN, so got spiked in the SIDE of the head...doesn't seem to affect her appetite.


FINALLY!  Unplugged, de-spiked and leaving the NICU!!!

Glad to get out of here.  The docs, specialists & especially the nurses were pretty good, but I DON'T like hospitals.  I stayed there with Sandy the whole time; have slept in more comfortable beds camping out.  On hard ground.  In the snow.

HOME at last!

Note the large quilted cover (used to cover the NICU Isolette) -- it's hand-made.  There are groups that make blankets, hand-knit hats, sweaters, booties, etc. and send them in BY THE BAG-FULL every few months, to be given to newborns.  (Toledo Hospital is also known as a Children's Hospital.)