Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?  Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? -- T.S. Eliot

Leading indicator, long-term (avg. 18 months):  Yield Curve ratio, 3-month vs. 10-Year Treasury Yields Coincident/Lagging indicator:  Key change in Unemployment Rate.
Recession forecast based on a start of Nov-07 and post-WWII average length of 10 months, to Aug-08.


Lagging indicator:  Anxious Index vs. Recession n/a


Establishment Survey:  Total Employees Trough in Capacity Utilization


Continuing Claims:  History + Current  


Establishment Survey:  Total Employees Trough in Capacity Utilization


Trough in Capacity Utilization and Total Employees (000's), or
trough in Capacity Utilization and Total Employees (% year-ago)
Household Survey:  Peak in Jobs Needed (Labor Force & Civilian Employment)


Recovery (current estimate as of Jul 08):  2H09
Trendline estimate from Nonfarm Employment:  May 09 - Jan 10 Trendline estimate from Capacity Utilization:  Dec 08 - Sep 09

Select Business Cycle Dating

Recession Recovery



NBER Business Cycle Dating

 Actual vs. Announcement, 1980 - Current

Actual NBER Months Actual NBER Months
Peak Peak Delay Trough Trough Delay
Jan-80 Jun-80 5 Jul-80 Jul-81 12
Jul-81 Jan-82 6 Nov-82 Jul-83 8
Jul-90 Apr-91 9 Mar-91 Dec-92 21
Mar-01 Nov-01 8 Nov-01 Jul-03 20

"The NBER does not define a recession in terms of two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.  Rather, a recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales."

GDP Annual Change GDP Quarterly Change


Real Disposable Income Unemployment Rate


Industrial Production Industrial Production 1960


Real Retail Sales (discontinued) Real Retail and Food Service (current)


Wholesale/Trade Sales n/a


Credit Spread, AAA & BAA FEAR INDEX:  Effective Federal Funds Rate minus 3-month T-Bills.


Peak in Consumer Confidence Effective Federal Funds Rate (H.15) FOMC Mtg Dates


Construction Employment Employment, Professional & Bus. Svcs


Real Income
Hourly Earnings , Nominal vs Real (CPI), -1.7%, 1964-2008 Weekly Earnings , Nominal vs Real (CPI), -8.8%, 1964-2008


Case-Shiller Index Case-Shiller Index vs Effective Federal Funds Rate


Housing Permits (New) Housing Starts (New)


Home Sales (New) vs Inventory Home Sales (Existing), adjusted & annualized


Housing/Jobs Disconnect n/a


Housing Market Index (HMI) vs S&P500
HMI vs. CPI adjusted S&P 500 Correlation Analysis, 12 month lag

INFLATION - Govt. Measures

Inflation CPI-U (current methodology, from 1921) Inflation CPI-U (current methodology, from 1960)

INFLATION - Alternate Measures

INFLATION:  Questionable Statistics Essay

Long Term (based on 1980 methodology) Short Term (based on 1990 methodology)




Growth in Inflation vs Hourly Earnings n/a


Federal Tax Receipts, Corporate, Annual n/a