Dec 06

Playing together. Tried to get Nikki to ride the Noisy Zebra Grandma got us. Daddy says Zebra is sick, and he might have to shoot it.  If Grandma gets us anything this noisy again, we get to visit Grandma AND bring all the noisy toys we have and can borrow, plus Daddy will buy us the noisiest one we can find in the store!


Just hangin' around.


The picture on the left is our holiday card this year.  Daddy played with the auto-timer on the camera.


We both DO get into situations.


Reading "Goodnight Moon" to little sister. The 1st rainbow we've seen, and it's a double!


One of us, at least, has grasped the concept of "presents."


"I hereby order that latkes be prepared." Having received their orders, the spud committee is hard at work.


All right, what's with all this vertical stuff -- I prefer a horizontal view.


Hey guys, that's SAMANTHA'S toy. If we distract her with a paper airplane, we can play with her air hockey!  Oh, poop!  She's never seen a paper airplane; we have to throw it again.  And again.  And again, and AGAIN...


Bladin' in the house.  Enough with the Binky, already, Sam!


Toys are for tasting! I got a Doctor Kit and a Hat.


I give Daddy an exam.  Had to wear necklaces, of course. Exam #87, same day.


Daddy & Mommy BOTH need a shot in the arm.


Guess I just like giving shots! Free shots, anytime.


Necklaces can turn into bracelets.